Worried about a Hedgehog?

If you are ever worried about the health or welfare of a hedgehog, please call the British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890801 and they will be able to give you advice, and put you in touch with a local rescue centre if necessary.

Category: Hedgehog Photos

To post pictures of the Glatton Hedgehogs.

Busy night in the garden with signs of mating. Look forward to the next generation.  

So pleased to welcome back hedgehogs again. This smaller hog visited 3 times and a much larger one (Jasmine) also came and had a look.

Jasmine is always first at the feeding box and has settled in well.  Last night there were a total of 16 visits to feed by a variety of hogs.  Lots of repeat visits no doutb

Pleased to see Jasmine in my garden. First encounter a little hesitant but  she is now accepted by the other females and babies. Jasmine is larger than the other adult hogs and she is the one with her back to Read more…

I have lots of activity in the garden, with a number of youngsters and mothers feeding. No sign of Jasmine, my new Shepreth hog, she seems to have done a runner despite a beautiful airb&b! Photo: Paul Cole.

I have seen a decrease in the number of  hedgehogs visiting to feed in my garden over the last 2 nights. I wonder whether the badger visit is anything to do with it?  

Happy to report plenty of activity in the garden.

Have had some difficulty getting dried kitten food, so I am being reasonable with what I put out over night. (They will not eat wet kitten food). I think it was all gone by about 0300 hours.  I had a Read more…

28th February 2020 An early hedgehog in my garden.  Will commence feeding from now on. Lovely to see the hogs returning.