Worried about a Hedgehog?

If you are ever worried about the health or welfare of a hedgehog, please call the British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890801 and they will be able to give you advice, and put you in touch with a local rescue centre if necessary.

Author: Carole Green

7th September 2024 – a rather late edition to my garden last night. Had 2 little ones turn up 2/3 weeks ago. They are doing well and putting on lots of weight.

A lot of activity in my garden early this morning. There is already one hedgehog feeding in the box when a second joined in but the third thought better of it.

A lot of hog activity in my garden with signs of male hogs paying close attention to females.

For the second night running I have had a hedgehog in my garden. Just a reminder for people to put food out for hedgehogs in case they make an early arrival in their garden please.

I had my first hedgehog of 2024 in my back garden in the early hours of 26th January. The hog was large and looked well fed. It was very active.

I have one, possibly two, hogs still visiting to feed in my garden despite it being the Winter Solstice. I put out Tesco Dried Kitten Food and lots of water and it/they still seem very active during the night.  Has Read more…

Despite the past very cold week, I had a hog turn up for a quick feed ( I am still putting food and water out) last night.

It is noticeable the decline in hogs visiting the feeding box now following the sharp decline in night time temperatures. Those that are visiting are on the smaller size and need to put on a bit of weight still. Going Read more…

A busy time in my garden for the hedgehogs. A total of 28 visits to the feeding box last night. I am pleased to say Wensleydale is still around (he is darker than the other hogs with a distinctive nose). Read more…

Happy to receive ‘Wensleydale’ from Shepreth Wildlife Conservation Charity today.  At the moment he is tucked up in his box and not much to see!. He follows in the footsteps of my first hedgehog ‘Rex‘ received in Spring 2018. Lets Read more…