Worried about a Hedgehog?

If you are ever worried about the health or welfare of a hedgehog, please call the British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890801 and they will be able to give you advice, and put you in touch with a local rescue centre if necessary.

Short Rations!

Have had some difficulty getting dried kitten food, so I am being reasonable with what I put out over night. (They will not eat wet kitten food).
I think it was all gone by about 0300 hours.  I had a number of disappointed diners. There seems to be a very healthy number of hogs in the garden not following government guidelines!

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2 comments on “Short Rations!

I also use the Tesco dry kitten food and have been adding, in small quantities, other brand dried kitten food. Thank you so much for the ARK wildlife information. I shall order some now. The hogs in my garden have ensured the population continues………..

I am putting out 2 trays every night and its all gone every morning, we get our kitten food from Tesco there own make, now in little boxes but the muesli that I mix it with I bye a big bag from ARK wildlife on line, you can use the muesli on its own .

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