Worried about a Hedgehog?

If you are ever worried about the health or welfare of a hedgehog, please call the British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890801 and they will be able to give you advice, and put you in touch with a local rescue centre if necessary.

New Hedghogs arriving

Just a reminder that we have a new batch of hedgehogs arriving this Saturday (15th September) at 12:00, the hedgehogs can be collected from Glatton village hall. For those of you due to collect hedgehogs please bring with you a clean pet carrier or strong clean cardboard box lined with newspaper and some scrunched up newspaper for cover to transport home.

For those of you receiving hedgehogs into their new home you will need to have created a release pen. The pen should measure at least 5ft square and rabbit runs are usually suitable. It needs to be in a sheltered area of the garden, protected from full sun. Hedgehogs are very good diggers and climbers so it must be secured to the ground and ideally have a secure top. Extra items can be put in for them to explore, for example, leaves and small logs. Daily, any uneaten food and droppings should be removed.

For this release of juveniles they can be set free from their pens after 7 days, as oppose to 14 days.  Further details can be found here http://hedgehogs.glatton.org.uk/release-site-information.

 We are reliant upon the hedgehog hospital providing the hedgehogs and they will need to be checked prior to being delivered to Glatton, as a result if any are deemed not ready for release we may get less hedgehogs than we expect.  So if you arrive to collect a hedgehog on Saturday, there is a possibility that we may have to disappoint some people (but we hope not).

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