Worried about a Hedgehog?

If you are ever worried about the health or welfare of a hedgehog, please call the British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890801 and they will be able to give you advice, and put you in touch with a local rescue centre if necessary.

Hedgehog Homes Update

We now have some additional hedgehog homes for our intended juvenile residents. These homes have been funded by Paul Williams, but we expect to be able recover the costs. As a result we can distribute the Royal homes to locations where there has been an introduction and / or continued activity. The homes need to be sited in a well-hidden and quiet area of your gardens to encourage the hedgehogs to use them for hibernation (and possibly breeding next season).

The single occupancy homes are en-route and will be distributed ahead of the next intake of hedgehogs. We have already identified the recipients of these and will be in touch once they arrive.

So if you have had hedgehogs and / or continue to have activity and would like to have one of the Royal houses for more permanent installation, please let me know by emailing admin@glatton-hogblog.uk.

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