Worried about a Hedgehog?

If you are ever worried about the health or welfare of a hedgehog, please call the British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890801 and they will be able to give you advice, and put you in touch with a local rescue centre if necessary.

Category: Hedgehog Green

Blogging information for the Green Hedgehogs.

Carole’s new hedgehog (Jasmine) was so excited with her new home that she just had to pop out and explore her new surroundings.  

Lovely to see 2 hedgehogs back in my garden last night.

So pleased to see 3 hedgehogs together in my garden last night, although one was not welcomed wholeheartedly by all.

Lovely to see a hedgehog back in my garden last night.

I am putting out much more food than usual at the moment as I appear to have an adult hedgehog with 4 (?) youngsters.  They are putting on weight but I am a bit concerned they may not survive hibernation. Read more…

I have seen a decrease in the number of  hedgehogs visiting to feed in my garden over the last 2 nights. I wonder whether the badger visit is anything to do with it?  

This harassment went on for over 1.5 hours.  He eventually gave up.

Shrepreth requested pictures of drinking hedghogs.  This is the first of 11 feeding/drinking sessions last night, which is usual in my garden.

I think the hedgehog may have survived but I am not sure.  Sorry the picture is so poor of the attack. Just at the edge of camera.

Happy to report plenty of activity in the garden.